Spiti Pin Parvati Trek

11 Days

Few high passages across the main Himalayas spine provide the variety and rewards of the high-level trek as does the Pin Parvati, connecting the tributary of the Beas which it joins near the Bhunter and the Pin which flows into Spiti. With the extreme differences in climate, Pin valley is much more rugged and barren than the Parvati valley.


This cold desert valley with its snowy crags, cliff and crevasses, jagged rocks, and other fossils makes Pin valley a unique geological lab. Winter plays havoc here as ferocious blizzards and snowstorms send the glaciers cracking, ravaging the valleys rugged moonscape. But its long rain-free summer is a prime time for the adventurers to see Spiti wildlife in motion when the predatory snow leopard, red fox, marten, weasel, Himalayan Pika, bearded vulture, golden eagle, lynx, and Tibetan wolf roam in the park (the area is conserved as a national park 1987.

Day 1: Manali – Rohtang pass (3978 m) – Kunzom la (4551 m)–Rangrik (Kaza) (Camp)
Today an early departure from Manali, we drive 3 hours to Rohtang pass (3,978mt.) Which is get way to Lahoul & Spiti, Pangi and Zanskar.16km down to the foot of the pass a small place called Gramphu. A dusty and rugged path leads towards Batal. Along the left for 17km to Chatru then on the right bank of Chandra River to Batal. Now road climbs to Kunzom la pass and enters Spiti valley. We arrive at Losar the most picturesque village in Spiti valley at an altitude of 4000m. We pass many villages along the route Kiato, Pangmo, Hal, Rangrik. Arrive finally at the beautiful campsite of Rangrik at the Shore of Spiti River.

Day 2: Acclimatize

Day 3: Rangrik – Kaza- Mud (3600 m) drive– Trek to Tiya (3900 m), 4/5 hrs. (Camp)
Exploring these high villages we descend to Rangrik Bridge and take the main route to Kaza. Continue along the Spiti River to Attargo, where Pin River meets Spiti River. A 20 km unmetalled road will take us to the pin valley, known also the land of Ibex and Snow Leopard; Arriving at Pin valley we pass Gulling at first, then drive a short distance to Kungri. Visiting Kungri we cross the bridge to Sagnum village and continue to Mud village, our starting point of the trek. Leaving Mud trail goes on the left banks of Pin River.

Day 4: Tiya – Gaddi camp (4500 m), 5/6 hrs. (Camp)
Today we ascend slowly along the left banks of Pin River, walking on the loose rocks and many small streams to cross. Pin valley is a national park known as the land of Ibex and Snow Leopard. The most interesting to see is Chamurti horses, which are popularly called the camel of a cold desert. The lifeline of this difficult terrain, Spiti, and Chamurti are among the six recognized finest breeds of horses in India. Pin valley is a protected area, with Rupi Bhaba wildlife sanctuary to its south and Great Himalayan National Park to its southwest. Lastly to the camp called Gaddi camp (locally means – Shepherds camp)

Day 5: Gaddi camp – base camp (4810 m), 5/6 hrs. (Camp)
Leaving camp we climb gradually through boulders and scree out of the main valley. Arriving at the snout of the glacier we cross the glacier melted stream and soon after a steep climb to the base camp of Pin Parvati pass. Magnificent view all around from camp.

Day 6: Base camp –Pin Parvati pass (5319 m) – high pass camp (4550 m), 7-8 hrs. (Camp)
Today steep ascends over boulders to a large snowfield below the pass. Then trail steps up to the Pin Parvati pass over a snowfield. The pass provides a magnificent view of snow-capped ranges. Descent from the pass is gradual over a snowfield initially; it becomes steep in many places.

Day 7: High camp – Mantalai Lake (4000 m), 5-6hrs. (Camp)
Today leaving high camp we descend to Mantalai area, descend could make our legs tiring as slowly descending we arrive at river bed up to the campsite. Wonderful campsite.

Day 8: Mantalai – Odi thach or Pandu Bridge (3500 m), 6-7hrs. (Camp)
Just after Mantalai, 200m. descend over the boulders field to abroad plateau, then the trail descends gradually through a series of flowered meadows intercepted with boulder field brought down by many side streams. Our campsite is just below the Kullu Eiger.

Day 9: Odi thach or Pandu Bridge – Tunda Bhuj (3200 m), 6-7hrs. (Camp)
The trail crosses several delightful pastures supporting a variety of wildflowers in the summer and also through several Gaddi encampments before crossing a side river a natural rock bridge. Just above this natural rock bridge called Pandu Bridge. According to Hindu mythology, the bridge commemorates the retreat of the Pandava brothers to the Spiti and Tibet. Arriving at Thakur Kuan we cross the river by cable car and gentle climb on dense vegetation trail and then the trail descends to the riverbank where we cross it again by a wooden bridge and through thick birch grooves, rocks, and finally to camp. Camp at Tunda Bhuj there are fine alpine views down the valley and waterfalls tumbling down the cliffs on the opposite side of the valley camp.

Day 10: Tunda Bhuj – Kheer Ganga (2850 m), 4-5 hrs. (Camp)
Today leaving Tundra Bhuj again trail goes through thick birch grooves, rocks, and dense vegetation and at some distance opening of small and beautiful meadows nourish with numbers of wildflowers. Finally, we arrive at Khirganga, where a hot bath must relax after these numbers of days without a shower.

Day 11: Kheer Ganga – Barshaini (2100m) trek 3-4 hrs, Drive to visit Manikaran – Kasol – Bhunter or Kullu.
Leaving Kheer Ganga trail descends through pine forest and reaches narrow gorge where Parvati River gushes through, crossing by wooden bridge villages appears insight. Now easy walks passing through couples of the village we arrive at Barshaini where our vehicle will be waiting for us to drive to Manikaran and further to Bhunter or Kullu.

Spiti: Pin Parvati 9 nights 10 days Ex Manali to Manali

“About Potala organization:
–          Easy to coordinate over email and phone.
–          Well-coordinated trek.
–          Very helpful team, lending their support in every way possible.
–          Great food cooked by Chunni lal ji.
–          Great patience showed by Pritamji. ”
Mr. Shail D, Shaival D, G Ruparel, Rohit R, K. Cyclewala – (Group of 5) Mumbai – 15 July – 24 July

Spiti Valley tour and Pin Parvati trek
“We spent a total of 3 days in the Spiti Valley touring the monasteries and 10 days on the Pin Parvati trek. The team were fantastic, in particular our cook who prepared varied and delicious food for us every evening, not to mention the little surprises we found in our lunch boxes, and a stream of tea and biscuits, and other little treats. While we were worried about food hygiene in other parts of India, we had absolutely no concerns on our tour (and rightly so)! This is a beautiful trek, crossing from the barren Spiti Valley into the beautiful green Parvati Valley on which we saw no one bar a few shepherds for days on end. All the equipment was modern and good, and we were very happy with the organization of the tour”.
Mr. Jochen V. and Anne E, Germany, 28 Aug – 12 Sept.

Ladakh Lamayuru – Darcha trek 21 days & Pin Parvati trek / 10 days (Combined 31 days trekking)
” From 16th July till 5th of August we did great Zanskar trek organize by Potala Adventures. Not only the trek was amazing, the crew cook, guide and horseman were brilliant and absolutely professional. whole  3 weeks through Zanskar was an unforgettable adventure”.
” Our second step from Spiti valley to Manikaran, Pin Parvati trek was the same perfect organized as 1st part ( Lamayuru – Darcha ). Porters, cook and guide did their work absolutely professionally. Thanks to Potala Adventures especially Mr. Tenzin Ningbo head organizer Potala Adventures “.
Mr. Michael & Mr. Edelbacher, Austria – 14 July to 15 August – 33 days

Trip Highlights

  • Trekking Across Greater Himalaya Range
  • Pin valley national park
  • Scenic mountain trail
  • Campsites at beautiful alpine meadows
  • Meeting with Himalayan shepherds
  • Explore Spiti valley

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Spiti Pin Parvati Trek
7% Off
From ₹145,000 ₹135,000
/ Adult
From ₹125,000 ₹115,000
/ Child

Trip Info

  • Trekking & Hiking
  • June End to Mid-September
  • Private car/4wd vehicle/Bus
  • Hotel & Tent
  • 8
  • Strenuous
  • 5,300 m/17,400 ft.
  • 14
  • 68